Posts Tagged ‘sport’

Young Guns was an event I had the pleasure of recording. The event was a Kick Boxing Tournament, organised by Matariki Martial Arts, and showcased the skills and stamina evident in so many of our young people today. There were many bouts and these are just a few of my photos from the day.

A good friend of mine stepped back into the boxing ring recently.
All his hard training paid off with a unanimous points decision in his favour.
So proud to be able to watch and record it for him.

So it is Super Rugby time again at Eden Park, Auckland – home of the The Auckland Blues.I was there on Friday night with my camera…capturing images of the fans supporting their favorite teams! Go The Blues…long may your winning streak continue!

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Saturday was a fun day day at Auckland’s Wynyard Quarter, at the Paddle for Hope’s fundraiser day.

Took a few photos..think they show the fun everyone had on the stand up paddle boards 🙂

I know it’s been awhile since I have visited my blog…no excuses…just been really busy!
Last Saturday I had the privilege of attending a good friends first boxing match. I have never witnessed an event like this before, so it was a first in so many ways. Although my friend lost in a points decision, he gave 100% of himself, and I’m pleased I was able to capture some of the moments for him.

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True fans stick through the bad times along with the good, and they were rewarded on the weekend with their team finishing the season with a well deserved win!! I have been lucky enough to attend some of their past games and take photos of the younger fans.

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So what could be better after a hard out run (or walk) than having the senior Unitec Osteo students give you some remedial action for all our aches and pains!

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Here’s a few more photos from the Unitec Run and Walk Event last Sunday. The runners came in all shapes & sizes, some appeared to be well seasoned runners, and some just giving it a go…but they are all winners to me.

Well done everybody!!!

Yesterday I attended the Unitec Run & Walk Events……

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