Posts Tagged ‘night’


Once again we were in Tairua, but this time for Valentines…our view was spectacular and the moon added to the romance…

My daughter and friend put on an amazing impromptu fire poi display at her Christmas party.To see the video please visit Christmas Fire Poi Dancers from susannz on Vimeo.


On Friday we went to ‘see art in a whole new light’ at Western park in Ponsonby. Wow!!

Every year the park gets lit up by artists and other creatives – truly impressive.

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Last year i did a little experimenting with long night exposures. I particularly like the way the words have been highlighted by the nearby street light, giving me pause to think & reflect on how calming this scene actually is.

So now winter feels that it has finally arrived…and doesn’t the thought of an open fire warming your toes, and maybe roasting some marshmallows sound appealing?

This is the view from my window on Waiheke Island, a spot that has become my favourite retreat when I feel I need to escape from the pressures of life.